Saturday, December 17, 2005

We’re Still Here:

We were scheduled to depart this island paradise today but are sticking around because Jackson isn’t doing so great. Nights seem to be the worst; he was up throwing up through much of the early morning. John couldn’t get a blood pressure on him today, as he had lost so much volume. There really isn’t anyone to take care of him here besides John. Hopefully, we’ll find a hospital, but the time Jackson has left is dwindling.

This is only the second or third trip that we’ve made to Haiti with a computer. Between blogging, writing letters, and sending and receiving e-mails, we can get a lot of work done. Earlier in the year, we weren’t even staying at a place that had internet access; we would check our e-mail a couple of times a week at a cyber café, a wired guesthouse, or in the office of a grocery store, whose owners were nice enough to let us use their computer.

How soon what seems to be an unparalleled improvement turns into not good enough, Now, John and I compete to use this laptop—we need a signup schedule. We are actually talking about buying another computer so we can both type away until our fingers fall off. In Haiti, there is always a lot to say.

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